Global Wellness Day: Workplace Benefits of an Employee Wellness Program

healthy employee

With Global Wellness Day approaching on June 12th, it’s a good time to assess your current employee wellness program efforts and see their benefits.

Is your current employee wellness program making a difference in your employees’ lives? Have you been hesitant to create an employee wellness program and if so, why?

It’s important to ask these questions to get a full picture of your standing in terms of employee wellness. Because if executed properly, employee wellness programs are mutually beneficial offerings that benefit both the employee and your organization.

While the employee-facing benefits of workplace wellness programs are evident to most, the employer-facing ones are typically overlooked. Here are the benefits of employee wellness programs with examples and incentives that employers should consider.

Improve employee recruitment efforts

GRiD’s 2020 survey found that 62% of employees would accept a lower salary in exchange for better benefits. Employers should keep this in mind during recruitment efforts and highlight the unique features of their benefits packages. An August 2020 study by Prudential Financial even showed that 52% of employees would be “willing to take a chance on a new job right now if it offered better benefits.”

The past year and a half has made evident how important it is for people to take care of their mental and physical health. Having workplace wellness programs available -- and discussing them during recruitment efforts -- will show top talent that you can meet their needs and are a company that cares about its employees.

While it’s important to give a holistic overview of your organization during recruiting, benefits are typically reserved for conversations that take place after job offers are extended. Consider introducing a high-level overview of your benefits in the beginning stages, especially highlighting wellness programs.

Increase employee retention rates

Another industry survey revealed that full-time employees were influenced to stay at their current role because of benefits, including the addition of wellness program benefits (fitness classes, well-being app subscriptions, etc.) during the COVID-19 pandemic.

A wellness program is a great way to retain employees since it helps them improve multiple facets of their lives. They’ll see that you are invested in their overall wellbeing -- while also participating in programs that make them happier and healthier. The result is a workforce that is more fulfilled professionally and personally, and more likely to remain at their current job.

Reduce healthcare costs

Offering wellness programs also brings clear financial benefits by way of healthcare cost savings. Wellness programs often significantly reduce obesity and unhealthy habits while promoting exercise and mental health care.

In turn, those who participate in wellness programs are less likely to need medical care related to preventable issues like heart disease and high blood pressure, which cost employers billions of dollars.

Overall, employee wellness programs can be considered a win-win for both employees and employers. But it’s important to put together a wellness plan that is really attractive and beneficial to your employees, one that truly meets their needs. The team at Clarity Benefit Solutions is here to assist employers in crafting an exceptional employee wellness program, and what better time to start than Global Wellness Day?

