Contact Us

Have Questions About your Clarity Account?

Contact the Clarity Service Team.

With offices on the East Coast and in the Southwest, we provide nationwide, multi-lingual service the way you prefer – AI-powered chat available 24/7 and live chat or phone service available during business hours.

Chat with us anytime at or on our secure portal.

To access your account, just log in.

You can also Call Participant Services at 888-423-6359.

Activate Now


Activate your account now!

Registering is easy. Click the link above and provide the necessary information and set up your account on our online Portal. Your username will be the email provided to Clarity and you can set your own password.




Download the mobile App

The Clarity mobile app allows you to access your Wage Parity plan on the go! Just download and follow the instructions to register. Your username and password for the app will be different than our online portal.


Apple App StoreGoogle Play

Learn More about the Clarity Mobile App
Read our Mobile App FAQs
Download the User Guide