Eligible Health Care Expenses List
Bonding of the teeth reimbursement may be eligible if required for treatment of a medical condition. A Letter of Medical Necessity (LMN) from a medical professional would be required for reimbursement with a flexible spending account (FSA), health savings account (HSA), health reimbursement arrangement (HRA) or a limited-purpose flexible spending account (LPFSA). Bonding of the teeth reimbursement is not eligible with a dependent care flexible spending account (DCFSA).
Health-related books (that provide information on treating a specific medical condition) are eligible with a Letter of Medical Necessity (LMN) with a flexible spending account (FSA), health savings account (HSA) and a health reimbursement arrangement (HRA). Health-related book reimbursement is not eligible with a limited-purpose flexible spending account (LPFSA) or a dependent care flexible spending account (DCFSA).
Botox injections are not eligible for reimbursement with a flexible spending account (FSA), health savings account (HSA) health reimbursement arrangement (HRA), dependent care flexible spending account (DCFSA) or a limited-purpose flexible spending account (LPFSA).
Fees to belong to a boutique practice are not eligible, but the fees for medical services actually received at a boutique practice are eligible. Boutique practice fees reimbursement is not eligible with a flexible spending account (FSA), health savings account (HSA), health reimbursement arrangement (HRA), limited-purpose flexible spending account (LPFSA) or a dependent care flexible spending account (DCFSA).
BRACAnalysis testing is an eligible medical expense, as it tests DNA for genetic mutations or when there is inherent risk of disease. BRACAnalysis testing reimbursement is eligible with a flexible spending account (FSA), health savings account (HSA) or a health reimbursement arrangement (HRA). BRACAnalysis testing reimbursement is not eligible with a limited-purpose flexible spending account (LPFSA) or a dependent care flexible spending account (DCFSA).
Braces are eligible for reimbursement with flexible spending accounts (FSA), health savings accounts (HSA), health reimbursement accounts (HRA), and limited-purpose flexible spending accounts (LPFSA). They are not eligible for reimbursement with dependent care flexible spending accounts.
Books/magazines in Braille are eligible for the excess cost of the Braille item over a normally priced item, which also includes audio products (e.g., CDs). Braille books reimbursement is eligible with a flexible spending account (FSA), health savings account (HSA), health reimbursement arrangement (HRA) and a limited purpose flexible spending account (LPFSA). Braille books reimbursement is not eligible with a dependent care flexible spending account (DCFSA).
Breast augmentation reimbursement is not eligible with a flexible spending account (FSA), health savings account (HSA), health reimbursement arrangement (HRA), limited-purpose flexible spending account (LPFSA) or a dependent care flexible spending account (DCFSA). The cost of breast augmentation (such as implants or injections) is not considered a qualified medical expense as it is considered a cosmetic procedure.
Breast implant removal reimbursement, if causing a medical issue, may be eligible with a Letter of Medical Necessity from a doctor with a flexible spending account (FSA), health savings account (HSA) or a health reimbursement arrangement (HRA). Breast implant removal reimbursement is not eligible with a limited-purpose flexible spending account (LPFSA) or a dependent care flexible spending account (DCFSA).
Breast milk storage bottles or bags reimbursement is eligible with a flexible spending account (FSA), health savings account (HSA) or a health reimbursement arrangement (HRA). Breast milk storage bottles or bags reimbursement is not eligible with a limited-purpose flexible spending account (LPFSA) or a dependent care flexible spending account (DCFSA).
Breast MRI reimbursement is eligible with a flexible spending account (FSA), health savings account (HSA) or a health reimbursement arrangement (HRA). Breast MRI reimbursement is not eligible with a dependent care flexible spending account (DCFSA) or a limited-purpose flexible spending account (DCFSA).
Breast pump reimbursement is eligible with a flexible spending account (FSA), health savings account (HSA) and a health reimbursement arrangement (HRA). Breast pump reimbursement is not eligible with a limited-purpose flexible spending account (LPFSA) or a dependent care flexible spending account (DCFSA).
Breast pump bustier reimbursement is eligible with a flexible spending account (FSA), health savings account (HSA) or a health reimbursement arrangement (HRA). Breast pump bustier reimbursement is not eligible with a limited-purpose flexible spending account (LPFSA) or a dependent care flexible spending account (DCFSA).
Breast reconstruction surgery reimbursement is eligible following a mastectomy for the treatment of cancer with a flexible spending account (FSA), health savings account (HSA) or a health reimbursement arrangement (HRA). Breast reconstruction surgery is not eligible for reimbursement with a limited-purpose flexible spending account (LPFSA) or a dependent care flexible spending account (DCFSA).
For treatment of a medical condition, breast reduction may be an eligible expense with a Letter of Medical Necessity (LMN) with flexible spending account (FSA), health savings account (HSA) or a health reimbursement arrangement (HRA). Breast reduction reimbursement is not eligible with a limited-purpose flexible spending account (LPFSA) or a dependent care flexible spending account (DCFSA).