Start Prepping Your Employees for Open Enrollment NOW - Here's How

Prepping for Open Enrollment

Let’s face it, nobody loves enrolling in health care coverage. The process is often difficult and frustrating, the material is complex and ever-changing, and it is generally time consuming. That being said, achieving maximum participation is critical to your business and your employees. So, how do you get those participation numbers at a healthy level? Start prepping for open enrollment now. As promised, here’s how.

Create a Social Presence

According to a Pew research study, nearly two-thirds of all Americans use social media. That’s probably not terribly shocking, but it should be particularly enlightening. Digital marketing is booming across multiple industries and has virtually no cost comparative to traditional media forms.

By creating a social presence for your business, you can leverage the already active members of the online community to distribute accurate information about enrollment periods and coverage. Thus increasing overall participation through reminders and active support, while also putting to rest any misinformation circling around the break room.

Understand All Offerings

The fastest way to crush your participation numbers is to contradict provided information or seem unsure of program specifics. Urge upper-management to become subject-matter experts on all parts of the health care programs. In doing so, they will become both a resource for any inquisitive employees, as well as becoming the best advocates for participation.

Furthermore, lack of understanding in the product offerings communicates a very negative image of company culture. The younger workforce is becoming more involved with workplace experiences and culture. Demonstrating an environment that both respects and supports the workforce at all levels is instrumental in garnering the support of proposed programs.

Get Physical Information into Employee Hands

Just like with any training, various people learn in different ways. Consider that many employees may be visual learners or at-home study types. Consider fliers, posters, visual aids, fact sheets, anything that can be a pocket resource for employees. Open enrollment can be a confusing process and streamlining it with information that is always available is critical to outreach.

Additionally, physical resources foster a deeper sense of investment in the programs. By saturating the work environment with information on the programs or services, you are effectively communicating next-level support of the benefits. Much like with implementing new information systems, company-wide support goes a long way to increase participation and acceptance.

Get New Hires on Board

New hires are complicated when it comes to program participation numbers. They can easily become your easiest conversions or your most difficult. Getting new hires accurate, updated information during orientation is the best way to get their immediate support. However, by that same token, failing to get them the appropriate details can result in missed deadlines or even negative feelings about the company programs.

Get the new hires excited about their benefits. Ride the wave of fresh excitement and first-impressions that comes with any new employee. They’ve yet to form any opinions about your organization, ensure that when they do, they’re well informed.

There are many ways to increase participation of open enrollment, but the general theme is knowledge. If you are educated on the programs and benefits offered, you will notice an increase in employee participation. It is a tall order for any organization to turn complex systems into easy to digest facts, but to get the most out of your programs, it must be done. Utilize any and all contact methodology to get employees ready for open enrollment as often as possible.