Year-End Review: How to Assess Your Benefits Strategy and Plan for 2025

Hi there, my wonderful HR legends! It’s me, Clarity Claire, your resident guru on all things employee benefits and HR! Can you believe we’re already at the end of 2024 😲? The end of the year is the perfect time to review your benefit plans and strategies to set yourself up for a successful plan year.

This task proves even more crucial, considering that employees who truly understand their benefits package are 101% more likely to trust their company's leadership. That's a big number, right?

In this guide, I’ll walk you through how to assess your benefits strategy and the unique advantages it offers you, your workforce, and your organization as a whole. Let’s jump in!

Why Evaluate Your Employee Benefits Strategy Annually?

You already know that taking a close look at your benefits strategy every year is important. But let’s review some of the biggest advantages that come from doing your due diligence.

  • Meet Employee Needs: Ensure the benefits package aligns with what your workforce really needs.
  • Attract Top Talent: A strong benefits package helps bring in the best and brightest employees–who are in it for the long haul!
  • Control Costs: Manage your expenses effectively while offering great benefits.
  • Stay Competitive: Be a leader in the job market with attractive benefits.
  • Ensure Compliance: Keep up with regulations to protect your company's assets and integrity.
  • Get Better Insights: Learn about new benefits options and reduce costs and time spent managing them.

In short, reviewing and updating your benefits strategy can lead to a happier, more productive workforce and improve your company's reputation.

Now let's review what it takes to perform a yearly benefit review.

Steps to Perform a Benefits Review

Every organization is unique, with a diverse group of employees, all with their own needs. Evaluating your benefits strategy takes specific steps to help gather insights that will benefit your entire organization. 

Ready to get started? Here are five steps you can take to carry out a benefits review:

  1. Evaluate Current Offerings. Take a close look at the current offerings to identify what is successful and what needs improvement. Solicit feedback from employees to gain valuable insights and analyze how each benefit is utilized. This approach ensures that the benefit solutions align with employees' needs and contribute effectively to their satisfaction and well-being.
  2. Identify Gaps and Opportunities. Explore areas that may be lacking and seek improvements. Utilize all-in-one connective tools like Clarity Complete to manage your payroll, HR, and benefits for a more thorough analysis and enhanced perspective.
  3. Set Clear Objectives. When planning for the upcoming year, it's crucial to set clear objectives for your benefits package. Start by defining what you aim to achieve, whether it's enhancing employee satisfaction, improving retention, or attracting new talent. Make sure your benefits strategy is well-aligned with your organization's overall goals to ensure a cohesive approach that supports your company's vision and growth.
  4. Develop a Strategic Plan. To effectively achieve your goals, it's crucial to develop a comprehensive strategic plan. Begin by transforming your objectives into clear, actionable steps. Establish a realistic timeline to guide your progress and assign specific responsibilities to team members, ensuring accountability in implementing the necessary changes. This structured approach will enhance your chances of success and keep your efforts aligned with your vision.
  5. Monitor and Improve. To ensure your strategy remains effective and relevant, it's important to establish a routine for regular evaluation. Analyze the performance metrics to identify areas of success and opportunities for improvement. Based on these insights, make necessary adjustments to optimize results and stay aligned with your goals.

Tips to Implement These Benefit Strategies

Here are a few simple ways to make these strategies work for you:

  • Stay Informed: Keep up with industry trends and regulations.
  • Communicate Clearly: Make sure employees know what benefits are available and how to use them.
  • Use Technology: Adopt platforms and systems that work for you to simplify managing your benefits.
  • Get Feedback: Regularly ask employees for their input on benefits.

How's your 2025 Benefit Strategy?

This year, 41% of business leaders will focus on improving their employee benefits strategies and plans, an increasingly important task in a job market that is becoming more and more competitive. Thankfully, with these steps and the right benefit tools, you can be well-equipped to assess your benefits strategy and start planning for a successful 2025.

If you need a hand or want to see how Clarity Complete can boost your strategy, contact our team for a demo. Let's make your benefits strategy the best it can be!

Cheers to a successful new year,

Clarity Claire