It’s not uncommon for employees to feel overwhelmed, confused, and frustrated when selecting healthcare plans and making healthcare decisions. Without access to answers, they turn to HR for help. This pattern can place enormous stress on a company’s HR department. It can even reduce the amount of time employees spend working. Fortunately, with the advent of decision-support tools and technology, there’s a better way for employers to assist their employees with healthcare decisions. Brokers and employers who adopt these support tools will see amazing results. Here we explain why your clients should take advantage of employee benefits decision-support tools.
A Complex Landscape Necessitates Use of Decision-Support Tools
As the process of selecting healthcare plans becomes more and more complex for workers, employers look to brokers to help them make the process simpler and more cost-effective.
What Employers Want
The more time employees spend seeking help for the healthcare needs, the less time they spend working. When they constantly turn to HR, the problem becomes intensified. Decision-support tools that make the process of selecting health plans simple for employees are in demand. Specifically, employers seek tools that:
• Provide cost-effective ways to simplify healthcare decision processes for employees
• Make conversations about healthcare simple and flexible
• Reduce pressure felt by HR
• Maximize productivity
What Employees Want
What employers want is complicated by the complex desires of consumers. When selecting a health plan, employees want fast access to the information they need and control over the research process.
Just think about the number of employees who take healthcare information packets home to study, claiming they need to sit down and process the information. Having control over the research process increases confidence and reduces skepticism. When employees do their own research, they know they’ve selected the best plan for their needs. That being said, they still want support, reassurance, to be shown employee appreciation, and a personalized health plan selection process.
Decision-Support Tools Meet Employer Needs
Your clients should take advantage of decision-support tools and benefits solutions because they address their needs and provide employees with a highly personalized and supportive process that offers maximum control over research and decision-making.
Here at Clarity Benefits Solutions, we provide brokers with such a tool. Her name is Emma.
Ask Emma is an online, on-demand, fun, and user-friendly decision-support resource. She asks employees a series of questions as they select their healthcare plan. Based on their answers, she guides them toward the plan that best suits their needs. She also allows the user to compare plans.
By providing this essential service, Emma enables workers to do their own research while providing the support and personalized attention they crave. She also meets the needs of your clients by:
• Increasing worker productivity. The easier it is for employees to select their plans, the less time they spend seeking help from HR. This translates to more time spent working.
• Reducing the work load placed on HR
• Facilitating better decision making that saves both employees and employers money
To meet Emma and see how she works, click here.
Decision-Support Tools are Trending
Relief from the complexity of the healthcare market must come from brokers, but not in the traditional way. Employers and employees have unique needs that can only be met through modern solutions like decision-support tools. In addition to a host of services including COBRA Administration Services, we offer Emma, a support tool that will quickly become one of your top selling points. Meet her today!